How High Quality Snap Extensions Can Help Winterise a Boat

The effects of cold weather on a boat can be disastrous. However by taking the necessary precautions before the frosty temperatures take hold, it can be much easier to maintain the integrity of the boat and reduce the cost of repair in the future.

1. Drain and Drain Again

The key to winterising a boat is to make sure that all the water is drained from the boat and that it stays dry throughout the cold season. This removes the threat of ice and frost which can cause cracks and damage throughout the vessel. Damage through freezing is usually not covered under insurance so it is essential to pay as much attention to this process as possible or there could be potentially costly results.

By using the correct snap extensions it is possible to cover a boat more effectively and ensure that no further moisture can leak in causing possible corrosion issues. When a boat cover shrinks, it provides less protection for the boat and allows moisture to get in. Simply by adding snap extensions to the boat cover it is possible to extend the life of the cover and provide the boat with far more suitable coverage.

When storing any boat, make sure the drain plug is removed and left out over during the bad weather so that all water in the boat can freely drain away. Just remember to put it back in before the first launch!

If using a dehumidifier to keep the air around the boat dry, ensure that it is regularly checked for faults and electrical failure. Fires caused by dehumidifiers can be disastrous and will negate all the hard work done.

2. Take Care of the Engine

Though it may seem strange to fill up a tank that is not likely to be used for a while, keeping fuel within the tank can ensure that the tank itself does not corrode when not in use.

Drain the engine itself completely as there shouldn’t be any fuel left it in it when it is stored. It is always best to run cooling water through the engine to remove every last bit and then fill the tanks.

Ensure there is sufficient fuel preservative added so that it can be stored effectively. This will protect against condensation and oxidation within the tank which can cause spoilage over the winter.

Consider applying wax or petroleum based spray to the metal parts of the engine and the cylinders to protect against any further risk of rust or corrosion. Unlike the stainless steel used in snap extenders, some of the metals on an engine can be corrosive. Simply by applying some protective lubrication before storage, it is possible to extend the life of the engine and therefore reduce the cost of sailing.

3. Protect the Boat during Transit

When moving a boat into winter storage, always make sure that it is fully protected against scrapes and damage that can be caused when the boat is in transport. Store any removable items from the outside of the boat separately if at all possible, paying special attention to flags, antennas and anchors that should be properly secured.

Use a strong boat canvas that will be able to protect the boat against moisture and will also stop the vessel being scraped or damaged during transit. Such care and attention will reduce the number of boat insurance claims that are required and therefore should contribute to lower monthly premiums. Make sure all covers to the boat fit securely and are of the correct width. If there is any shrinkage in the cover, apply cover snap extenders to ensure a full fit that is going to provide the best protection. Though they are not costly and take no time to secure, the added benefit of using such a product can reduce overall maintenance fees considerably. A strong boat canvas should not only be able to protect the boat against knocks and bumps as well as rain and moisture, it should also be able to hold the weight of any snow that falls, without allowing leakage onto the boat itself. Though replacing a shrunken boat canvas is becoming increasingly costly, simply by adding snap extensions to the boat cover, it is possible to gain the same protection at a fraction of the cost.

4. Store Well

Where possible keep the boat in an ambient climate that isn’t going to get too cold. Wherever possible choose a secure location that will keep the boat protected and safe. If it is necessary to store outside, make sure the boat is away from falling debris and well covered to keep it protected and also away from prying eyes. Raise the bow of the boat slightly when storing. This will enable any build up of moisture to freely drain away so that the boat remains continuously dry.

5. Remove Personal Effects

Whenever the boat is being left for any length of time, it is worth removing all valuable personal effects and storing them safely. If there are signs of valuables being on the boat, there is a more of an incentive for potential intruders who could possibly damage the boat in an attempt to discover the items. By having a reputation for not keeping valuables on the boat, there is less likelihood of anyone coming looking for them.

Using boat cover snap extenders to help winterise a boat will not only extend the life of the boat cover itself but will also extend the life of the boat it covers. By using such a simple gadget to ensure that the boat is fully protected, it is possible to give any boat better chance of being seaworthy and ready to go as soon as the weather improves. Remember, the more care that can be taken of a boat during the winter months, the less chance of damage or accidents in the future so make sure that these steps are followed this year and there is more chance of happier sailing in the years to come.